
Enterprise Managed Hosting

Configuration Management on your IaaS- or Cloud-Provider Account

Fully Customizable, Fully Automated and Secure Linux Managed Hosting

We use your IaaS provider account to setup Debian servers using Terraform, followed by the installation of our FOSS hosting software stack with Ansible, which is also used to install all the software required for both your internal and public-facing applications.

Best possible Linux Hosting Solution

Our hosting stack is 100% FOSS based and comes with Backups, Monitoring, Gitlab, CI, Central Logfiles and an internal Wireguard-VPN for your employees. We provide Ansible-roles for all of your hosting needs and develop additional roles as required. You are provided one permanent Linux consultant for the duration of your contract.

Several penguins are working on large Linux consulting project

Managed Hosting Features

Infrastructure as Code

Define your servers and complete setup in git repositories

Change History

Every change to your servers is saved in a changelog file

Your Hosting Toolbox

Backups, Monitoring, Central Logfiles, VPN, Gitlab

Designed for Developers

Blunix CLI ansible-cake is very intuitive and well-documented

HA/HP and Mass Hosting

Designed for very busy (web) applications that require high performance, security and uptime, and mass hosting setups

Tailored Deployment

Continous Integration, Delivery & Deployment with Gitlab-CI, Ansible, Docker or Python3

Secure by Default

Private Networks, Firewall, SSH, TLS, IDS, automatic security upgrades, Blunix workstations run Qubes OS.

Full Ownership and root@

We ensure your infrastructure stays free of vendor lock-in. Everything runs on your own IaaS provider account.

Steady as a rock

A penguin is standing on a rock in the ocean holding a torch

Permanent Contact Person

A dedicated consultant oversees your project for the entirety of your contract. You directly talk to this one person whenever you contact us.

24/7/365 SLA Emergency Response

Generally immediately, guaranteed within up to 60 minutes. We respond to monitoring alerts and emphasize building robust, fault-tolerant systems over responding to problems.

Focused on Linux Server Security

Where possible, we make all internal services (like Gitlab, Backups, Montiroing, ...) accessible from the company VPN only. We implement Linux security best practices and cooperate with an external Linux security company to constantly upgrade our security solutions.


Ten Minute Demonstration

Watch us set up an example infrastructure for hosting a very busy PHP website from scratch.

In this video, we create servers on hetzner using terraform, install our Hosting Baseline of Gitlab, Prometheus Monitoring, Borg Backup, systemd central log files and WireGuard VPN, and then setup a cluster for HA (High Availability) Hosting of an exemplary PHP Application.

Hosting Onboarding Process

Online Conference

The journey begins with an initial online conference, where we discuss your specific needs, objectives, and expectations. This session is crucial for understanding the scope of your project and allows us to tailor our managed hosting services to fit your requirements precisely.

IaaS-Provider Access

We require access to your Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) resources as documented in our hosting manual. This includes full access to your IaaS provider account, your DNS provider account, one monitoring email address SMTP account as well as one technically versed contact person in your team of developers.


We set up all servers using Terraform, install our hosting solutions using Ansible, and implement all the services you require, including both your internal and public-facing applications and tools.


To empower your developers, we assist with configuring the company-internal VPN access on your employees workstations and provide comprehensive training covering system management and best practices for making common changes to the infrastructure.


We plan and execute the migration of your applications, data, and services to the new environment to ensure minimal or, if possible, zero downtime. Our team works closely with your developers to guarantee a smooth transition.


We are dedicated to ensuring your hosting environment remains secure, efficient, and up-to-date. Regularly, we will introduce you to new Linux technologies that we incorporate into our hosting toolkit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Transparent and Flexible Pricing Plans

We've never signed a SLA without fairly negotiating the price.

Guaranteed Response Time

We generally respond immediately to critical problems causing you to lose money. If you require a contractual guarantee, we provide up to 60 minutes of guaranteed maximum response time until hands-on-keyboard.

300 /month

Maximum response times are customizable for workdays and weekends, as well as day and night times, based on your company's requirements.

  • Emergency responses are generally immediate
  • Custom response times are negotiable
  • We respond to critical monitoring alerts
  • Flexible pricing options are available

Number of Debian Servers

For each operational Debian Linux installation (including physical servers and virtual machines, excluding Docker), we charge €50 monthly, which accounts for 30 minutes of monthly maintenance.

0 /month

Extensive and unregular maintenance tasks or additional work are not covered under this fee and will be billed separately at our standard SLA customer rate of €100 per hour.

  • Covers Maintenance and continuous development of Blunix
  • You can add and remove servers at any time
  • Similar servers count as one (Webworker-1, -2, -3, -4)
  • +5 for Backup, Monitoring, Gitlab, VPN, central logs

Server Uptime Guarantee

Booking guaranteed uptime for specific Debian servers is billed by increasing the maintenance cost from €50 per server, depending on the booked uptime.

100 /month /server

To qualify for guaranteed uptime, services must be configured for high availability, requiring a primary server and at least two failover servers.

  • We generally try to acchieve the maximum possible uptime for all systems
  • Uptime guarantees often don't reflect the unpredictable nature of hosting
  • We recommend considering them only if needed for your contractual obligations
  • We can design systems fault resilient but not fault proof

Questions? Requests? Suggestions?

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Are you looking for
Linux Emergency Support,
Linux Consulting for Projects,
Qubes OS Consulting and Support or
Linux Trainings and Workshops?
